Presented by Donald Dinnie 1st GMG/SASOG Private Practice Weekend 2019 Irene Country Lodge from 8-10 March 2019 The healthcare industry is still in a state of flux and there remains much uncertainty because of significant proposed changes to the regulatory and legislative landscape. 2018 has set the stage for 2019 to be a challenging healthcare […]

The res judicata and once and for all rules in our common law work hand in hand to protect a defendant from constant attack for the same alleged negligence. The rules have long been part of our law. The res judicata rule provides that once a competent Court has made a ruling on a cause […]

Surgery is becoming ever more sophisticated and complex, and the rise of the super-specialist surgeon complements a modern world in which what we know about the human body is constantly evolving and improving. But the success of surgery is never guaranteed, no matter the skill of the doctor or the seeming straightforwardness of a patient’s […]

With the publication of the National Health Insurance Bill, proposed amendments to the Medical Schemes Act, and the anticipation of amendments to another 12 or so pieces of legislation needed to implement National Health Insurance, a review of the funding of medico-legal claims would also be useful. National Health Insurance is the proposed funding model […]

Donald Dinnie, CEO Natmed Medical Defence, and Volker von Widdern, CEO Constantia Insurance Company, discuss the changes needed to address South Africa’s medico-legal crisis. The fictional case of Jarndyce v Jarndyce in Charles Dicken’s Bleak House tells of a long running court case disputing payment under a will. It ran for generations terminating in a judgment when the […]

The number of medical malpractice claims in South Africa is rising at an alarming rate, and along with this trend is the potential increase in the practice of defensive medicine. Defensive medicine happens when doctors depart from normal medical practice in order to safeguard themselves from litigation. “It occurs when a medical practitioner performs treatment […]