It is worthwhile revisiting the 2014 Supreme Court of Appeal judgment in the matter of Sibisi and Dr Maitin for the positive lessons it holds for obstetricians and gynaecologists. The doctor was successful both in the lower court and on appeal in defending the action for alleged medical negligence against him. The Plaintiff, the mother […]

The 7 May 2019 recent judgment of the Gauteng High Court in amongst others, Viviers and MEC for Health Gauteng is unexceptionable on the facts as accepted by the Court. It indirectly contains an important reminder of the significant role which contemporaneous and comprehensive record keeping can play for healthcare practitioners and healthcare facility operators […]

The small claims court resolves matters speedily, inexpensively and informally. Whether you are the Claimant (the Plaintiff) or the party opposing the claim (the Defendant), you must conduct your own case in court without legal representation. Proceedings are inquisitorial so the commissioner plays an active role in supervising the presentation of the evidence and assisting […]