The door to the opportunity to provide compensation by way of the provision of services and/or periodic payments in medical malpractice claims has been opened a bit further in the High Court judgment of N P obo N E v Member for the Executive Council for Health of the Gauteng Provincial Government [2019] ZAGPJHC 24 […]

A backronym is a reverse acronym. That is, an expression that has been formed from the letters of an existing word or name. The word backronym is a blend of “backward” and “acronym”. It is a constructed phrase which purports to be the source of a word that is an acronym. An acronym, of course, […]

The patient brought a claim in her representative capacity as the mother and guardian of a minor child, who she alleged suffered harm during birth due to the negligence of staff at a public health institution, which resulted in the child suffering from cerebral palsy. The plaintiff was successful in her claim. Judgment The minor […]

The plaintiff sued a firm of attorneys for allowing his claim against the MEC for health to prescribe. His injuries arose out of him falling onto a bed of reeds and retaining a piece of reed in his body, which needed to be removed surgically. He claimed that the hospital staff were negligent in treating […]